Monday, April 29, 2013

Hellish Thoughts

I might as well lay this bare for you all to see. Recently, after interacting with an individual at some length, I looked at them in all their brokenness and unlikability and had a sudden, visceral sense deep in my heart that God could not possibly value that person as much as he values me.

I simply couldn't believe it.

These are the thoughts of a soul beating a path to hell. Yet grace has a way of cutting through even my refusal to accept my need for it. It had better, or I am irrevocably lost.

1 comment:

  1. I have thoughts like this all the time in my interactions with people, and it frightens me to no end. That's exactly why we need grace, because there's nothing we can do on our own to cut through all these feelings and thoughts that get in the way.
